One More Month...

This little blog post is just to quickly announce that as of today it is exactly one month until July 14th
July 14th happens to be the due date of our precious little boy.
and Just in case you din't know how long a month is... it is only 30 days

This little piece of news, is actually not so little... this is a BIG deal! I am going to be having a baby in 30 days...

And I am sooo not ready.
Sooo nervous 
And sooo sooo very excited!!

I thought that it is probably about time to post another Baby Bump picture since there wont be a Baby bump for much longer! well there will probably still be a bump for a while just without the baby!

Sorry for the weird quality on this one.... cant figure out why!

In other News...

I'm starting to feel like a pack rat, probably because all the baby stuff that we are gathering is stacking up in the corner of our living room... and is about to cover up the TV... oh well!! It really is killing me that I cant set up the crib and everything until we move! and we don't move till after the baby comes! what ever am I going to do with my self!! 

I have officially discovered what baby hiccups feel like :) and I love it when they happen because its like a little reminder that my baby is there :)

Ever since we watched "Cool Runnings" last week (the movie about the Jamaican Olympic bobsled team)  Spencer can't seem to stop speaking in a Jamaican accent... definitely brightens up the mood at our house!  I love that silly boy! 

I got to give my Two Weeks Notice at Walmart the other day, and I am excited to say that there are only 5 days of work left! WOOO!! 

And last but not least! I always want to remember how every day at least once (sometimes more) Spencer remembers to get out his ukulele and sing to his little boy... I must say it is the cutest thing in the world. 

We cant wait to sing to him when he gets outside my tummy :)

Well we'll be having a happy Thursday over here in Rexburg trying to remember to soak up all the little moments... and we hope yours is a happy one too :)

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