So I told myself that I wouldn't start freaking out about having a baby until June came along. I figured that June would take FOREVER to get here anyways so I'd have plenty of time to get everything ready and wrap my mind around the whole concept of having a child!
But... here I am on the first of June FREAKING OUT wondering how in the world time went so fast! I swear we just found out we're having a boy and now he'll be here NEXT MONTH! 
I don't really know what to do with myself now that its almost July... I guess I'll just go work on some homework and hope that June doesn't go nearly as fast as May did! :)

In other news we purchased our first big baby item! A car-seat and stroller, and set it up last night in our living room! Now it sits there waiting... and getting us SOO excited to meet the little boy that will get to use it!

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