"Survival Night - The Catch-Up Edition"

Okay here's the story... Once upon a time their sophomore year of High school sat 5 girls at the same table in Mr. Stevenson's English class. Their names were Shalyn, Emily, Brittney, Stacie and Stephanie. 

Brittney and Emily had been friends for quite some time because they happened to be cousins... 

And they had also known Shalyn for quite a while too!

Stacie and Stephanie were twins and they were from Texas and this was their first year living in Idaho.
 Luckily this class provided lots of time for chatting, and laughing so these 5 girls got to know each other very quickly, and one day Shalyn (or maybe it was Emily... or maybe Stacie?? I dont remember) had a GRAND IDEA! They would have a "survival night" were they would wander into the wilderness (out by their houses) and sleep outside under the stars.. and eat only the food that they could find. 
They all agreed that this might just be the best idea in the world, and so they found themselves a few weeks later walking just about 100 feet to the nearest canal bank with their sleeping bags and yummy treats... setting up camp .... trying to build a fire... swiming in the canal... picking Aunt Kayleen's strawberries (shhh) ... making predictions about the coming year and putting them in a jar. And it was a marvelous night! 

after that it became tradition! each time the theme changed and more friends were added but one thing that never changed was making predictions and how much fun they always had together!

You guessed it! I happen to be the Brittney in the story! I I love these girls so much!!
Here are some of us at graduation (just 2 years ago!!)

Here we are just a one year ago at Stephanie's Bridal shower... 3 almost 4 of us engaged!

And so just a few weeks ago (better posting late than never!) we found a quick minute to get together for lunch! Sadly I don't have a picture of our gathering ....but it was so much fun catching up!! we had Lunch at Shalyn's new apartment and she made us some yummy food! and we were sad that Stacie couldn't make it! and that Jacqueline was on the other side of the country!!
 It was crazy just looking back on how much our lives had changed in the past 2 years... with college and weddings and a baby on the way! But I must say that I Love them all! And the wonderful parts of our lives that we spent together! 
Thanks for the fun memories!!
(and we still need to get a hold of those predictions!! :)


  1. I love this post! You did such a good showing it all, it's all been so much fun! [: & some of those pictures need buuuuurned. Ha!

  2. agreed! I had a hard time posting some of those! haha but I just couldn't leave them out :)
