10 Things I Learned Working at Walmart

I'm done with WALMART!! 
Yesterday was my last day! and today is my first Saturday off in a LONG time! I'm so thankful to be home today :) But I thought I'd take a minute to list the things that I learned from Walmart in the past few months...

1. Any cashier anywhere is my HERO!
2. Don't judge a Person by first glance
3. Wlamart employee's are generally working their hardest... be patient with them
4.Standing on your feet for 8 hours is no easy feat! (pun definitely intended :)
5. Swollen feet are the worst
6. Any time that I get to spend with Spencer is very special
7. Budgets are possible!
8. I am capable of getting a job!
9. Some people are VERY interesting
10. The advertising and packaging on foods and other items tend to be more tempting to the cashiers than to the Customers I think
10. its easy to be dyslexic with numbers when you say totals all day long
10. price matching is the way to go!
10. calling in sick when your really sick... is not so fun!
10. Some people spend way to much of their free time at Walmart... 
10. Discounts are nice :)
10. Time is valuable
10. Some people are mean
10. But most people are very nice
10. I can do anything that I put my mind to!

Okay so there are a little bit more than 10! But I guess what I am trying to say  is that although I complained about it a lot, Walmart really was one of the best things to happen to our family this past few months. Not only was it desperately needed income! but I learned a lot of things about myself (cheesy I know!!) mostly about my own patience and work ethic, and I gained confidence in myself that maybe I can get a job and manage my time! and that if I put my mind to it i can do hard things! It also helped me to more fully realize how much I love to be home with my husband, and how precious time is. 
Im really glad to be done with you Walmart! but thanks for helping me become a better me... even if you didn't mean to :)  

1 comment

  1. I'm happy for you that you're home now. I'm also grateful that Heavenly Father has been watching over you and Spencer in so many ways :))) Love you lots.
