Easter Sunday, Warm Days and General Conference

This easter was beautiful!
We dressed up in our most spring-ish sunday outfits
and headed to church.

We were spiritually fed, by some great teachers and speakers.
Easter is such a wonderful day to reflect on what the true meaning of this whole life is about. 
I loved what someone shared with us that Sunday, 
that there would be no meaning in life if it wasn't for what we celebrate on Easter! 
It is so true! on easter we celebrate that Christ atoned for our sins AND that He rose again on the third day.
Because of him we too can live again,
We can change ourselves and be forgiven
and one day return to live with our Heavenly Father again.
What an amazing gift.
And on Easter we are reminded of this, and have the chance to start things fresh
just like the world around us starts fresh in the spring time,
Easter is such a beautiful day!
We spent the day painting easter eggs, eating deviled eggs and just being together as a family. 

We also had some really nice weather right around that time!
It was so nice to finally get out of the house with Blake and let him experience the outdoors! 
We went outside every chance we got! 
even if it was just standing on the porch!
We let him try out his walking skills out on the side walk (pushing a walker)
and we took some really nice family walks around the block. 
He would get pretty sad every time we had to come back inside!

But then Rexburg had to be Rexburg and get all cold again, so this past week we havent had much play time out in the sun!

He spends some of his time looking out the window waiting for the next time he gets to go out side.

But we did have the awesome opportunity of hearing from Prophets and Apostles of the Lord this weekend during General Conference

I love when conference weekend rolls around because it is always so amazing to me that someone speaks about something that I desperately need to hear. 
Elder Holland's talks get me every time :)
It is also amazes me that everyone I talk to gets something different out of conference than I did!
For me this is a huge testimony builder of how the Spirit speaks to each of our hearts the things that we each personally need to understand.

On another note life just keeps moving to fast for me to catch up with! 
Here are some quick snapshots of our life right now!

We Got a Juicer and started juicing fruits and vegetables a few weeks ago! and we love it! 

Blake has  awesomely long hair,

I got a new sewing machine :)

Blake learned how to use his sippy cup,
and has been eating lots of different kinds of foods lately.

Blake can totally pull of a bow tie,

Spencer is finishing up his finals for this semester,
Blake is almost 9 months old and busy growing teeth 
and we are all getting anxious and excited to 


move to Texas!!

But more on that later, when I'm not suffering from sleep deprivation...
which might be never thanks to the wonderful joys of teething babies!! :)

1 comment

  1. You have such a cute little family, I love it! So happy you guys are doing well and that I get to see you next week :) wahoo!
