9 Months Old

We sure love our sweet little Blake!

And Yesterday was is 9 month old birthday!!
I cant believe we already have a 9 month old! 
9 months always seemed like such a milestone to me, 
I mean he has officially been out of my tummy longer than he was inside!
that is so crazy!!

He also deiced to make his 9 month old day a milestone day to remember!
We wolk up to find that his 5th tooth had started popping through!
and later that night he took his first steps!
how exciting is that!?

He blesses our lives everyday with just his sweet little smile.
He says Momma and Dada now, 
but he prefers to say dada and he says it ALL the time!
He has become quite the Momma's boy in the past few weeks,
and I am sure not complaining because I love the extra cuddles!
He loves to explore everything,
He has brown-green eyes 
that are always searching for new things to be curious about.
He loves to self feed, 
and drink his sippy cup (and then spit out the water)
He learns new fun things every day,
And we really cant imagine life without him!

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