My Baby

You're laying in my arms
feet and legs scrunched because you're too long to fit in the chair sideways
in a baby blue onsie
one arm explores
and taps my face
you're cuddled close to me because I'm your mommy
you pause and look at me sometimes 
you stare deep into my eyes and for just a moment we connect so deeply
and then just like that its back to whatever you were doing
Its hard to keep your attention for too long
you're growing too fast 
its even harder for my heart to catch up
hard to soak it all in some times!
Just a few minutes ago I watched you rolling on the floor 
I can't believe you're old enough to do that already! 
You can sit by yourself! 
You've tasted rice and bananas
and you're even growing your first two teeth!
you sure love to play with your daddy
Secretly I think you love him the best 
but thats okay because I secretly want you to grow up to be just like him some day
I love to watch your curiosity about the world around you
I love how you grab your toes
Some times you even eat them! 
I love your sweet baby laugh!
and how you always seem to have a strand of my hair wrapped up in your little fingers
or in your mouth 
I love how you show your love for something by grabbing it and trying to gobble it up, mouth open wide
thats how you show your love to me too
I love the feeling I get everyday just because I get to be you're mom! 
I love you little baby!
love, your mommy

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