Oh man its been ages since I have posted on here! 
I have so many posts that are accumulating in my head, 
and if I don't get them all written soon I might explode! 
But of course I don't have the time to write them all today
So I will just have to settle for a quick flash into what I am thinking and feeling at this exact moment
Hopefully I can post the rest real soon!

Right now I am feeling so THANKFUL
and I thought that I would share!
(Since it is November and I am feeling a little lame for not posting my thankful list on Facebook everyday like everyone else...)

I've been having a hard time the past couple of weeks trying to catch up on my life
Its not going the best because I seem to be the master of all procrastination!
School has turned out to be harder and a lot more time consuming then I was hoping it would be.
I dropped my english class, no surprise there considering my strong disliking of writing essays.
But I am still lagging behind in my other five classes...
I havent had any time to update this blog,
I still have pictures from a wedding to edit
Financial aid problems to iron out
an apartment to keep clean
dental problems that need solved
and lots of little projects that need done!
and of course Blake consumes my day 
Sometimes I get so bummed because I feel like I haven't been giving him the kind of attention that I should because I am so worried about all of the things that I need to do.

Anyways enough whining because you're probably wondering why my "thankful post" has turned into a venting post
Well it is because today even though I have all of these things running through my mind
I was reminded, like I am everyday, how truly blessed I am.

I am THANKFUL for this wonderful life that I have.
I really don't have much that I should be complaining about anyways!
I have a wonderful husband 
A precious baby boy 
And we are a family forever.
Spencer has a job that provides for our needs
I have the opportunity to go to school
and so does spencer
We always have enough to eat 
(plus Pinterest to help me with recipe ideas)
We have nice place to live that keeps us warm and comfortable
There are only five more weeks left in this semester
We are all healthy 
We are all happy 
Really what else could I possible ask for?

It amazes me how much I love this little family of mine
I am THANKFUL to be a mother 
Blake really does bring us so much Joy and I am so grateful that our Heavenly Father trusted us enough to send us one of His precious little ones.
I pray every day that I can be the mother that He wants me to be.

Nothing makes me more happy than to see him smile
or to watch him discovering something new
He has learned that he can use his hands to put everything into his mouth
and that he has a voice
that can squeal and scream!

I am not a perfect mother 
I am not perfect at managing my time
or cooking or cleaning.
I am not the most crafty or the best at my schoolwork.
But everyday I have a the opportunity to try to be a better me
and I am sure THANKFUL for that :)

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