March Update!

So here I am once again! A whole month later trying to cram a whole month into one post! 

Luckily this month has mostly consisted of work, school and more work so there’s not much to say on that subject except for that I’ve learned 2 new things: first, standing on my feet for 8 hours and being pregnant doesn’t mix very well! Second, Watching food being bought all day doesn’t help me out very much with my weird cravings, or nausea because of my extreme nasal capacity! But besides all of that I am enjoying being employed for the first time in my life, and meeting all different kinds of people every day! Spencer is currently working two jobs on campus, going to school full time (pulling straight A’s by the way) and does P90X every day! I must say that I look up to his dedication. :)

Needless to say we haven’t had a bunch of time together lately! We tend to get put on opposite schedules, but that’s okay because the time we do find ourselves together is extra special now! A few of the things that we have been up to lately mostly revolve around that little growing baby of ours! We spend a lot of our time talking about what he might be like, or what in the world we are going to name him! His little kicks are strong enough now that Spencer can feel them too! It’s such an exciting feeling every time I think about how amazing all of this is! We’ve had some pretty funny conversations with that baby already! “Kick if you love daddy!” (Nothing) “Kick if you love mommy!” (Kick! Kick! Kick!) What a silly kid!! :)

Here is the latest picture of my belly! It’s actually quite a bit bigger now(At 24 1/2 weeks) and It gets so much bigger everyday!!

The most exciting thing that we did this month was we both worked really hard to get one Friday off so that we could drive down to Utah for the day and see lots of family for my cousin Allex’s Graduation, and also for a quick and much needed get away from Rexburg! For some reason I couldn’t get a California Vacation out of my head and since that defiantly wasn’t possible this month, I settled for a day in Utah with family! It was so fantastic! We drove Thursday night and my parents were kind enough to let us crash in their already crammed hotel room! We spent Friday morning at graduation festivities! Just soaking up the warmish weather and all of the family around! Then my dad decided he wanted to take a look at our car, because of the problems we’ve been having with the control panel and locks… and miraculously he found the little fuse that we overlooked… and now it is all fixed!!! It was pretty much as exciting as Christmas! I sure love my dad! Then we took Tanner with us to see the new Hunger Games movie! Totally LOVED it, even though we had to sit in different parts of the theatre because of the assigned seating! We even introduced Tanner to his first In n Out burger, and after seriously contemplating the taste He declared that it passed the test! :)

The rest of the day consisted of our trip back Rexburg along with some Nilla Wafers from my Dad. That Friday was defiantly a success! 

Basically we’re loving life, and getting pretty excited for our baby boy! 

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