Late post (February 29th)

I love reading other blogs and I am so good at it! … But I'm starting to think that I’m not the best at keeping my own... I seem to put it off so long that once I finally get on to this blog it’s already been a month or two and so I am in catch up mode!

BUT right now today, even though it’s been a month or so.... my brain can’t seem to think of more than three things to write about! So I am going to make this one short and sweet :)

1. LOVE 
To all of you V-Day haters out there I'm sorry... but I LOVE Valentine’s Day! And this Valentine’s Day was extra exciting because I couldn't help but to remember what happened exactly 1 year earlier! That was the day Spencer asked me to be his girl! He heart attacked my car, and acted like he didn't and because we hadn't even gotten to the "Like you" stage of our relationship yet... I started doubting if he really did do it! :) Turns out he did, and later that night after a day full of family fun, sumo wrestling, dancing, and sitting in his car until the AM he had himself a girlfriend! (And I had a boyfriend too :) sadly I only have one picture of that day, and sadly it doesn't really capture more than just my steering wheel! but I'm glad we have it! So glad WE found LOVE that day!

2. LOVE 

On Thursday the 23rd of February, Me and Spencer had the exciting chance to go in for a doctor’s visit! And not just any visit! This was the one that we found out that we are having a little baby BOY!!! :) We are getting so excited to meet the little one growing inside my belly! Its crazy how much we LOVE Him already! Here's the latest ultrasound picture. 

Third I just want everyone to know how much I love my husband, and the life that we have together! Just recently I finally found a much much needed job as the newest cashier at the Wal-Mart in Idaho Falls! And although it’s not very glamorous, it is a job that is helping us out so very much! And I am so thankful for it! Anyways, what does this have to do with love you say?? Well as a matter of fact I am convinced that because of the few months we only had money for rent and maybe some bread, me and Spencer have grown sooooooo much more in love ... sounds crazy but it’s true! Plus add in the fact that we have a little bundle of joy on the way, and I must say that this is the ultimate equation for love :) Today I came home to this:

Best Husband in the world award! Ding ding ding ding! :) 

True Love.

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