Wow! wow! wow! wow! wow!

Can I just say WOW!
I can’t believe it’s been two months since I last wrote in here!! I guess I can believe it… but I wish it wasn’t true! One of the things I am most scared of is forgetting wonderful memories, and when I don’t write them down that is exactly what happens!  So I hope that I can do the last few months justice in just a few ridiculously long paragraphs!

My school finally ended, and although I am not proud to admit it, it was defiantly not one of my most successful semesters of all time. Sometimes I like to blame it on morning sickness… but now that I’m seeing the kind of effort my hubby puts into school and his work … I’m starting to think it’s called laziness. I really do need to work on that…

Both Thanksgiving and Christmas came and went! We went home to enjoy our families for both holidays! We’ve finally mastered the skill of splitting time between families (I think!) and It was also quite the challenge trying not to act pregnant both times!! Since we hadn’t spilled the beans yet about our little bundle of joy! There was a few times I randomly fell asleep because I was so exhausted, or asked for random foods because of my cravings! I might have even acted a little bit antisocial a few times when those nauseous feelings would come around! and Christmas day night I threw up downstairs with Spencer but we cleaned ourselves up so fast no one in my family even noticed! I am happy to say that we were successful in keeping our little secret a secret!! Thanksgiving was a lot of fun! Were lucky enough to eat two feasts in one day, and I think that I can say I have never eaten so much turkey in my life!! I even got to go BLACK FRIDAY shopping for the first time ever!!! And me and Spencer got a Wii from His parents! Christmas time was so much fun spending it with two families!  We spent the first half of Christmas break with the Brady’s, we did a lot of Christmas shopping, and movie watching! And when Christmas (midnight) came along it was fun to give the gifts we had carefully picked out for each of them! Me and Spencer landed a few games, I got new scriptures with my new name on them (YAY!) And Spencer got a ukulele! It was so much fun! The next morning we made the switch after church and headed over to my family’s house! We all changed back into our PJs and opened presents again! I was so excited because I actually remembered to get my parents something thoughtful this year!! I got them the piano music for Le Mis! I think I was more excited than they were!!  My favorite gift from them was the DVD of recordings from our wedding! And we all gathered around and watched it that night and it was so special to live it all again. I cried. Like a baby, and I even saw Spencer sniffle a time or two :) I sure love that boy with all of my heart!! After that we went downstairs to go to bed, and we were just hugging because we were still feeling the love from the video… and then I puked!! Haha luckily into a cup, but it was the most random thing of my life! The rest of the week was filled with fun! Pizza and root beer floats and Farkle! It was a good Christmas and we always love going home to see our families, but when the time comes for us to head back to our little home in Rexburg, we both get kind of excited :)

OH! And how could I forget our own little special early Christmas with just me and my sweet heart!? Only about two days after we got back from thanksgiving in Caldwell we took an FHE trip up to the mountains to cut down our own special Christmas tree!! That was quite a trip! The sun went down WAY faster than we anticipated, and so by the time we got to a place to pull over we had about 3 minutes to cut down a tree before it got dark! It was a fun little adventure!

And we were freezing because Spencer forgot boots and I am just always freezing! We ran about 50 ft through snow  to the first little tree in sight! And chopped it down! :) strapped it to our little car and drove back!

 I love days like that! Within the week we had it all covered in lights and decorations!  I remember that once everything was up and perfect, we just sat under the lights and held each other. I think those kind of moments are what I love most about being married.

A few days before we headed to Caldwell again for Christmas, we had our own Christmas eve and morning of our own! I made a feast! And we probably could have fed a few more people with our ham and cheesy potatoes! But instead we just had lots of leftovers! Our Christmas morning we woke up early and opened our presents to each other! And Ill never forget our nerf gun war we had playing with Spencer’s gifts! And tossing the football outside in the icy cold! We spent the rest of the day watching movies! And just being together!

New Years Eve was quite fun! We didn’t do much, but I made lasagna and we watched Psych (our favorite TV show) until it was time to watch the ball drop! The best is that we were together, and I got my first New Years Kiss! :) We were going to toast the new years with juice… but we forgot to make that until after the ball had already dropped! I can’t believe its 2012! 2011 was so good to me! I married my best friend! What could ever be better than that!?

As soon as we got back from all the holiday festivities I finally called and set up my first prenatal appointment at the doctors! A few weeks late since we were already about 12 weeks along! But then we had to wait another few weeks to actually go in! I was so so so very nervous! Part of me was just nervous there wouldn’t even be a baby in the first place, and part of me was just in shock that it was all so real! When we finally went in Spencer came with me, we filled out a bunch of paperwork, and then went straight to our ultra sound! SUCH A COOL EXPERIENCE!  We got to see our little baby moving around and being all cute :) I’ll never forget that feeling of being with my best friend while we looked at the miracle that we created together…

This was our best picture that they gave us! I can’t believe how perfect that little baby looks with its toes and cute little bum :) I love him/her already! We’re going to be parents July 14th… I can’t wait!
After our doctor’s appointment I was so starving we made a trip to McDonalds and I tried my first Big Mac! Let’s just say I’m a little obsessed with them now! And I crave them more than most things…
We told our families later that night, and it was so fun to hear how excited they were!! :)
Here is one more picture of our cute little baby! You can even see its fingers!! :)

Spencer started school early this month, and he got a job on campus!! I am so proud of him! But that means I don’t get to see much of him during the day! And on some nights because of my new calling, I’m gone when he gets home!! What are we ever going to do with our selves!! But it’s a good thing! I am so excited that he has the opportunity to go to school this semester, and that he is such a smarty! And that he has the chance to have a job doing things that he loves!

I’m not quite sure if I remember when exactly we did this… but one time recently me and Spencer decided to fulfill one of the items on our bucket lists and try star fruit!! We were pretty excited!!

oh! and by the way... Star fruit isn't as yummy as it looks!

On a much smaller and more insignificant note, I finally caved and read the Hunger Games series (well I haven’t had the chance to get my hands on the third book yet...) and I am pleased to say that it is way better than I anticipated that it would be! And I should have read it sooner!

And we have seen barely ANY snow here in lovely Rexburg, which is great news to me!!!  It’s been all over Facebook that it’s been snowing everywhere this week! Even in Oregon City!! But none here in Snow-Ville itself!! YAY!!

And last but definitely not least… today I have been married to the love of my life for exactly 5 months! And I think that that is pretty exciting! I love him with all of my heart! I don’t know what I would do without his sweet sweet heart :) 


  1. Hey! You don't know me, but I'm a friend of Jacqueline! She's told me so much about you, I practically feel like I know you! Anyways, I checked out your blog (saw the link on HER blog) and I'm always super interested to hear about girls who got married young (I was 18 when I got married to my sweetheart and we've almost been married a year and a half) and especially ones who get pregnant young (I'm currently 5 weeks away from my due date!!!), so I hope you don't find this stalkerish, but I really enjoyed reading your blog! I just wanted to wish you good luck with the pregnancy! Despite any sickness and pain you might have, it really is a precious blessing from our Heavenly Father to be able to have children! Just enjoy it as much as you possibly can! It sounds like you have a wonderful support circle surrounding you and I look forward to hearing more about you and your little baby!
    Good luck!
    Ashley Whitten

    1. Okay.... confession!! I always stalk your blog because I also feel like I know you because of Jacqueline! and I actually just finished reading your new updates and then I saw this comment! haha I guess that we were both being creepy even if we didnt need to be! :) I love to read your blog cuz I feel like you live my life but just a year ahead! its crazy!! we should be Facebook friends! anyways thanks for the good luck wish! and good luck to you too since youre the one having a baby soon!! :)
      Brittney Brady

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! This made me laugh out loud!!!! You guys are so funny!!! I'm glad you have made friends with each other! :) Cuz I love ya BOTH! :D
