November 15th 2011

This is the post that I wrote on November 15th, but couldn't share because it had BIG NEWS we weren't quite ready to announce! I know its kind of old... but now that the news is out I decided to post it!!

November 15th 2011

I can’t hold it in any longer! I need to write down all of the memories running through my head right now because I think I would die if I ever forgot them.

The past few months have been full of the most change and happiness of my life and I think that is the reason it’s taken me so long to write it all down.  I am extremely overwhelmed, but I realized today that I need to start somewhere, so here I go!

First can I say how lucky I am to have fallen in love with the most perfect guy for me! I absolutely love Spencer and his wonderful smile! I cannot get over, and probably will NEVER get sick of looking at his kind and loving face… I know it sounds cheesy but every day I love him more and more! I could never live without him. The other day was a Saturday… and it was a lazy kind of Saturday … the best kind of Saturday in my book. The only thing we had planed that day was to maybe go work out together, but then there was a crazy snow storm outside so we decided to stay inside and cuddle… :) we ended up laying on the carpet staring into each other’s eyes so so so in love it made me cry (everything makes me cry lately) I just remember thinking how blessed I am to get to spend all day everyday with the person that I love most in this world… and how blessed I am that he is mine and loves me too.

Eventually I think we did get the nerve up to scrape the snow off of our car and drive to the gym… and then to Wal-Mart to get a … (wait for it) … PREGNANCY TEST!! Let me just say scariest purchase of my life! Me and Spencer stood kind of suspiciously by the “planned parenting” section of the isle… not knowing which one to pick there were so many!! Haha then once we had one in our basket we felt so awkward that of course we had to buy the new Harry Potter movie too! :)

On the way home Spencer was like “do you have to pee right now?...  good cuz I can’t wait any longer to find out!” so first things first, we whipped out the test when we got home and put it to use!

Two faint little lines… WE WE’RE GONNA BE PARENTS!!!
I can’t believe it!! It’s so soon, but yet I’m so excited!
I’m scared out of my mind but this is everything we have ever wanted!
And I love how excited Spencer is too… it’s the cutest thing in the world!
Okay now flash back to Friday… the day before and also the luckiest day of my life!! The date was 11-11-11!!! And oh boy did we celebrate! Spencer went a little crazy and bought SO MUCH junk food … and of course we ate it all while cuddling and watching movies! I can’t think of a better way to celebrate such an exciting day!

Some other big news is I got called to be the Relief Society President of our new ward! How crazy is that! I don’t even know any one! This should be challenging but fun, and so I am excited. I told Spencer that this must be the unusual way that Heavenly Father is answering my prayers for more motivation and new friends… haha

Only 4 more weeks of school! And I am so excited for a break!

And last but not least… some things that I love! I love our family home evenings and eating dinner together. I love cuddling on the couch, and packing his lunch, I love giving him kisses and our random dance parties! I love our tickle fights and even the creeper game! I really just love that I get to be married to my best friend!! :)

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