I found some great pictures today!

I love Pictures! I I love finding pictures that I haven't seen for a while! Here are a few I found today... hope you enjoy!

I love this picture! :) well I love all of these pictures! I don't remember for sure why we were at the falls! but I think it was right before we got married and we were headed to Oregon for my bridal shower! That was such a fun trip! And today this picture is really making me miss how all my clothes used to fit my belly! and how stinking long my hair was!

This is the picture we took the day before we got married :) 

This one we took on our honeymoon, when we were in Mexico trying the delicious tacos!

This is the only picture that we have from Halloween this year! its not Super flattering! but I'm glad that we have it! We were pretty excited about our home made costumes! :)

This one happens to be the first picture that we ever took together while we were dating! His family invited me to go with them to the Harlem Globe Trotters! we had a lot of fun that day!! 

And this one really just cracks me up! This was from a night my siblings and Spencer's siblings all happened to go to McDonald's together! I cant really remember the occasion! but we had a blast! those are the toys from the happy meals, and we all got Aqua-Lad! I'm not really sure who that is... but we love that little toy! 

He still sits in our car for good luck. :) 

Well that's enough pictures for today!!  Time to conquer the dishes :)

Oh wait!! Something exciting! Last night at work I found about about a SAWEET deal! I found $6.00 (22 oz) bacon  on sale for $2.00 WITH a coupon for a dollar off!! I got eight packages for 9 dollars, a $50 value! Most exciting couponing experience of my life!! 

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