Yes. Yes. We are Moving Again

Well I guess that it is probably time that I announce that we are moving! Yes we're moving again, and yes we are moving in 3 days! I am up to my neck in boxes and suitcases, cleaning and sorting! I am beginning to think that all we do is move!! I know that I said we wouldn't be moving for a while, that we were going to be settling down in Rexburg for the next 2 years or so, but life sure has a funny way of mixing things up and messing with your plans! The nostalgia was kicking in a little bit, I'm such a sucker for that kind of thing always getting so attached to the places that we live! But after a few days full of packing I am ready to be DONE! At the end of the month we will be moving in with some [very gracious] friends to finish up the last 10 days of the semester. Then we will be moving to Southern California to instal security systems for the summer. Although this little adventure wasn't what we were planning, we feel that this is the right thing for our family at this time and we are soooo excited for some sunshine and fun... oh and work too!

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