
Have I ever said just how much I love being a mother? Because I really really do. Even though it is totally cliche motherhood really is the hardest and most rewarding thing that I have ever experienced. There is nothing like it. The moments of worry that I am not the mother that my son deserves are overshadowed by the moments joy that come from watching him learn something new, listening to him laugh and receiving little kisses. One of the hardest parts for me is how quickly little moments pass by and become forgotten. Sometimes the thought of Blake growing any bigger, knocks the wind out of me and makes me want to squeeze him in even closer. 
And so in honor of these feelings I am listing every possible thing that comes to mind about my sweet little boy, and the little person that he is TODAY. So here is my mental snapshot of my 19 month old growing boy.

When ever Blake sees a clock, or anything that resembles a clock you can be sure that a tick tock clicking sound will be coming from his mouth, along with pointing and very exciting facial expressions!  

Blake will rock his little stuffed animals and sing them little songs that sound more like La-a-a-a-a-a-ah A-a-a-a-a-ah Ma-a-a-ah in the sweetest little voice humanly possible. 

He absolutely adores Mickey Mouse, or in his own words; "Mi-Mi-Mo" He also likes to dance to the hot dog dance on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

He prefers to sleep while he's snuggling with me on the couch.

He is a lover of yogurt.

His favorite part of his night time routine is when daddy plays and sings "baby beluga" on the ukulele, he sways his head, and when it is over he smiles and says, "Ni-Ni" 

He uses the dishwasher to climb up on the counters and make messes

He likes to use his little vacuum while I vacuum.

Loves loves loves his light-up snow boots. He will put them on periodically throughout the day and ask to go outside and "pay"

When he wants me to do something he will say "Momma" and look at me intently while patting on the chair next to him.

When he waves good bye, he usually uses both hands and his whole body waves too, while he drags out the words, "baaahh byyyye" (also a little shaky from the waving)

He loves to grab you by the finger or elbow, and pull you until you follow him into the other room to play. Another way he expresses what he would like you to do is by acting like a mime. Pulling and pulling an invisible rope (that is obviously connected to you) towards the the place where he would like to go. When he is feeling particularly ambitious in his act he falls over. We have also seen him use "the force" to ask for a toy across the room.

He jumps and dances all the time. So. Much. Energy. Seriously, he runs and spins and dances and jumps and does squats all day long!

He has discovered the letter B, and since that is the letter for Blake and for Brady there are a lot of B's around this home, and he likes to point them out.

When ever he hears me refer to myself as mommy, he repeats it as "Monny"

When he is thirsty he makes gulping sounds. 

and he loves to jump on the bed!

I love you sweet little Blake, thank you for walking into my room just now and climbing into my arms to finish your nap, you make my heart explode.

In a good way of course!

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