Oh the JOY

...of having a toddler!
And I'm not saying that with any sarcasm, 
I truly do love having a little buddy by my side all day! 
He is a sweet heart and I am sooo thankful everyday that he is mine.

He is always busy, exploring and turning everything upside down!

 He loves playing basketball! 

 and with his little "mi-mi" (Mickey-Mouse)

 He always wants to take his "ba-pa" (backpack) every where we go!

and thanks to him our apartment usually looks like this...

 Packaging becomes a great toy!

 and he always figures out a way to get his dinner into his water cup.

 He loves to sing with his daddy before bed

 Taking naps in random places, 

and most importantly he always knows how to steel my heart with his kisses

He had a doctor check-up yesterday and he is as healthy as can be! 
Up in the 95th percentile for his height!  
and he has been extra cuddly because of those darn shots! 
I've been soaking up my extra cuddly toddler, thats for sure!
Love him!

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