
If I had one word that would explain the last month or so it would be: NEW!
We moved into a NEW apartment, we have a NEW ward, its a NEW Semester, this blog has a NEW look, its a NEW year and with that comes NEW plans and NEW goals!

2013 was an interesting year for us! We got to see a lot more of the country than we thought we would, we had so many fun adventures, and also so many hard lessons to learn. I was pretty excited on New Years eve when the clock struck midnight and we could say that 2013 was behind us! But looking back, there were some amazing memories that we made! So although I wouldn't wish to go back, I am grateful for those lessons and memories! 

Heres whats missing from the blog at the end of 2013! We spent the rest of the year from July to December living at my parents house (so thankful for them graciously allowing us to stay!) Spencer Worked for McIntyre Farms, and also at a call center in Boise. I worked as a waitress at The Orchard House in Marsing. I attended a Semester of School online through BYU-I, and somehow I squeaked by and passed all of my classes! Here are some snap shots of the end of the year! 

We had so much fun being able to see our families so often! Blake loved spending time with all of his Aunts and Uncles and Grandmas and Grandpas! (I think he went through a little bit of a withdrawal when we moved!)

Blake was a Pumpkin for Halloween! He was so obsessed with every pumpkin he saw that we decided that this was the only costume that would be appropriate.

Blake fell in love with my family's dog Toby, we were all a little heart broken when he passed away :(

Christmas time was fun with work christmas parties and fun things like that!

I got all Crafty and made the Christmas Gifts for my Mom and Mother in law! The Frames Looked a like this! I was proud of myself! 

Our Christmas Cards this year! 

Christmas was a Blast! My parents surprised all of the kids and took us to California for a fun week full of Disney Land, Sea World and Universal Studios! 

Blake has gained a forever love for Mickey Mouse since then.

Then early on January 1st we hit the road from California back to Idaho
As soon as we arrived we loaded up our car to the brim, once again, and made our way to Rexburg! 

We moved into our new apartment, Spencer started school, and we are loving it here! Lots of dancing around, getting eaten by dinosaurs, climbing on highchairs and cheesy grins! 

Blake got a new big boy bed!

I got crafty and recovered Blake's Highchair...

and started Decorating little boy's new air-plane room!

We Have been busy playing in the snow, obsessing over Mickey Mouse and enjoying our little family.

Oh! And Blake is going for the record for how many times he can completely-empty-the-clean-dishes-from-the-dishwasher-all-over-the-floor in one day! :)

We are excited for all of the NEW memories and adventures waiting for us in this NEW year! 

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