One Month Already?!

Today my little baby turns one month old!
I seriously have NO idea where that time went!
I mean how did he go from being this small sleepy baby...

To being this big and alert baby in just one month!!??

We have had so many fun little adventures with him already!
Some of my favorite memories from this past month would have to be...
-Meeting my little Blake for the first time:) He was the most precious thing I had ever seen ... and still is!

-Watching Spencer interact with Blake. They are already best buds, it is so cute!

-Our first night in the hospital, being too excited and nervous to go to sleep because we were worried that we wouldn't hear him wake up (that was the only time we worried about that... haha)

-Our first night in our new apartment, when we pretended that Blake won a Gold medal in the Olympics for being the cutest baby :) we had a medal Ceremony complete with the national anthem and Blake putting his hand over his heart.

-Blake peeing on the wall ... Us...and all over his face

-Listening to Blake's little noises and cooing :)

-Blake losing his umbilical cord
-Blake growing more than a pound by his first doctors appointment!

-Our first trip to church with Blake when he pooped all down his pants and my dress in the first 15 minutes
-All of Blake's infamous spit ups... always missing the bibs and burp rags, but never missing my clothes

-and Blake being the sweetest thing in the world
We sure love this little boy! 


  1. HE IS SO ADORABLE!!! seriously.. most babies don't get cute til half way through their first year. He has already got tons of cuteness down. You both are so lucky! :D

  2. Your child is so stinkin cute!! I just can't get over it! I'm so happy for you and Spencer :)
