My Dreams

Yesterday morning started out with a BANG!
And by bang I mean a FULLY loaded poopy diaper!
So first things first I got out of bed and changed that smelly thing...
Ran really quick to grab a washcloth because that diaper left Blake a little extra dirty,
And in the two seconds that I was gone he peed ALL over the wall and changing table.
You've gotta love baby boys :)
Once I got that mess all cleaned up and Blake changed again I decided that it would be a great day to dress him up all cute.
Which pretty much just means adding pants to his onsie, and doing his hair.
So I put him in a cute dinosaur shirt, some cute pants, 
managed to get his hair to stay in a mohawk and then we made it into my room.
He was being so fun, and so alert! He was looking all around!
I took one measly picture on my phone of all his cuteness...

...and then he spit up ALL down the front of himself 
and me.
So it was back to the changing table for the next outfit! 
This one happened to be a dinosaur outfit as well! 
also very cute :)
We took some more pictures but this time with my camera

Just in time, because he spit up on that outfit too.
Again I took him to the other room to change him and luckily this time he was able to keep the outfit clean longer than 10 minutes

Despite all of the crazy messes of yesterday morning 
Me and my Blake finally had some time to cuddle.
He curled up his little body on my chest
Rested his head on my shoulder and we just stared at each other.
The sun comes through our window so perfectly in the morning 
It lights up the room and his little face.
 I took the opportunity to sing to my sweet baby
Just like my mom use to do.
He stared at me like he was just as happy as I was,
Like he knew exactly what I was thinking.
It was magical.
Its so easy for me to get wrapped up in everything that has to get done since Blake has joined the family.
I get caught in the routine of
feed the baby
burp the baby
change the baby's diaper
put the baby to sleep
quick get something done
 and then do it all over again in 2 hours.
Its hard for me to remember to stop and soak him all in.
Hard to remember why I dreamed of these days my whole life!
But in that moment singing to my little boy, I remembered.
Because it was just like my dreams.
I sure love that little boy,
and being his mom.

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