Sweet Baby in my Tummy

Dear Sweet Baby in my Tummy,
I really cant wait to meet you!
Well actually me, your dad and everyone else in the world cant wait to meet you! 
You should be here in about 6 days if you're right on time,
But that also means that you could be here anyday now!
You've got me and your daddy all anxious! 
He says he cant even wait ONE more day!
We cant wait to see what you'll look like!
Will you have lots of hair? What color will it be?
How big are you? Will you look more like me or your daddy? 
Everyone says its going to be a magical experience the first time we meet you! 
I know that it will :)
And even though we've been buds for 9 months already, I'm sure seeing your sweet face will be the greatest thing in the world. 
We might miss your little playful kicks, we're pretty attached to you already! 
Your daddy already gives you big hugs and sings you songs. 
He gets so excited EVERY time you move!
I can tell that he loves you like CRAZY!
And so do I :)
We call you by name, and we think about you a lot.
We pray for you everyday! You are already such a blessing to our family and we sure love you!
We cant wait to teach you about this wonderful world that we live in! There are so many things for you to see and hear and touch!
We just know you're going to love it!  

Right now you are moving all around in my tummy, you usually do that right when I need a little pick me up,
helps me remember how much I love you! 

You seem to like hanging out in my ribs lately, and even though I do complain about that one, you're still my favorite baby in the world! 
I think everything is almost ready for you to come to our home! 
We spent yesterday cleaning the apartment, and even the car, just for you :)
There is a whole corner of our living room devoted to your things! A crib and a swing and so much more! We have been gathering things like crazy because we are just so excited to meet you! 
I've been trying to pack a bag for the hospital, but part of me is having a hard time believing that all of this is real! 
This time next week I could be holding you! 
My own little baby! 
I don't even know how long I have wanted to be your mom, probably since I was too little to remember! 
This LITTLE family has been my BIGGEST dream. And I'm glad that you'll be part of it... forever.
I hope that I will be able to be the mother that you need, I will definitely be trying my hardest every day!
But I'm sure that I wont be the perfect mom, so at least I hope you'll always know how much I love you!
We're going to have a hard time waiting for you this week sweet boy.
But I know when we see your cute face it will be worth all the swelling, stretch marks and waiting.  
You are our world!!
and we LOVE you with all our hearts!
Love always, Your Mom :)


  1. You made me cry! :') I'm excieted for you to have your cute little baby! You an Spencer are going to be such good parents! I sure love and miss you!

  2. Hey!! I miss you too!! can't wait till you come back to Idaho!! I did get your phone call the other day and I totally spaced calling you back!!!! I hope you'll forgive me! :)
