We're Still Alive :)

I feel like its been a while since I have had the time to update our little blog! But I promise that we're still alive! Just EXTREMELY busy! And honestly I don't have much time today to post this anyway, so it's gonna be pretty short and rather boring ... ha!

So lots of new things from the past few weeks! Biggest is that school started, hence the reason we have no time! Spencer is taking a full class schedule and working on campus, and I am officially taking 14 credits and working 30 hours a week! I think that I must be crazy! and I think this must be the reason my ankles are getting so huge... or maybe this has something to do with the fact that I've got a baby coming soon.. Who knows! :)

In other news! Our little baby boy is growing healthy and HUGE! the doctor said that right now he could be anywhere between 2-3 pounds!! and about 14 inches long! That's so big! I'm starting to think this belly of mine will burst any day now! and to think we've still got 3 months of growing left to do.....

His favorite thing to do as of late is kick my belly button! and let me tell you, it is a silly feeling to watch my tummy moving around like there's popcorn popping inside me, and it is a VERY VERY silly feeling to get kicked in the belly button!

I am so very excited because yesterday I made (yes made) my very own maternity pants! Wooo! not only am I excited because of my creativity! but I am excited to finally be done with my old, way to small, use to leave the zipper undone pants! It really amazes me how much change my body has gone through, its such a miracle that it can make room for a little person to grow :) I really cant wait to meet this little man who I already love so much! 
Anyways! We're doing wonderful! Enjoying life and this beautiful weather! Hope your Wednesday is going as great as ours is! (even though I managed to shatter a glass plate, and Spencer managed to shatter a chemistry test tube all before noon... :)

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